Active Image

Daily Inspirational Quote:

"I still need more healthy rest in order to work at my best. My health is the main capital I have and I want to administer it intelligently."


Active Image
261 Oakwood Ave.
York, Ontario
M6E 2V3
Tel: (647)883-5436
cathy [snail] activeimage [period] ca -> mailto:cathy [snail] activeimage [period] ca

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:: Home :: Fitness solutions for people on the go

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Good health is one of the best gifts you can give your body, yet it is often the most challenging to maintain. It requires discipline and hard work and many times requires us to do what we may not feel like doing. But you can do it … just imagine the rewards!

At Active Image we equip you as our client, with all the tools you need to achieve your wellness and fitness goals. Since 1996 we have empowered our clients to see wellness as a complete lifestyle embodying abundant living through a strong body, healthy eating and balanced lifestyle.

We see Active Image as much more than just personal training. We know that just adding fitness to a stressful life may not be all you need for optimum health, so we look at the whole you, taking into account your lifestyle, family, work and beliefs. We are committed to helping you find not only health, but also wholeness and happiness as you live your best life!

Let us help you improve your quality of life by optimizing your health with a range of quality programs including: personal lifestyle coaching, personal fitness training, weight-loss programs, on-line training as well as a variety of fitness programs.

We are so confident that you will benefit from our programs that we offer a 100% money back guarantee to anyone who follows the eating and activity program and is dissatisfied with the results.

Cathy Morenzie

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The information contained within is for educational purposes. It is here to help you made informed decisions about your fitness and health. It is not medical advice and is not intended to replace the advice or attention of health-care professionals. Please consult your doctor before beginning or making changes to your diet, exercise program, for diagnosis and treatment of illness and injuries, and for advice regarding medications and supplements.

In no way will Active Image or any persons associated with Active Image be held responsible for any injuries or problems that may occur due to the use of this website or the advice contained within. Active Image will not be held responsible for the conduct of any companies and websites recommended within this site.

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