"When plans are laid in advance, it is surprising how often the circumstances fit in with them.”
- Sir William Olsler
After nearly 15 years, the Canada Food Guide has been updated. The new user-friendly guide is chocked full of information, health tips, suggestions and recommendations "The new food guide contains more information to help Canadians make wise choices about the food they eat,” says Health Minister Tony Clement.
Experts predict that experts today's children will be the first generation for some time to have poorer health outcomes and a shorter life expectancy than their parents." w:st="on">information, health tips, suggestions and recommendations "The new food guide contains more information to help Canadians make wise choices about the food they eat,” says Health Minister Tony Clement.
According to Clement, the new Food Guide was developed through widespread consultation with approximately 7,000 stakeholders including dietitians, scientists, physicians and public health personnel with an interest in health and chronic disease prevention.
Here are just a few of the revisions that really stood out for me:
To get your copy of the food guide go to: http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/food-guide-aliment/index_e.html
Wishing you the best of health!!
Cathy Morenzie, the president of Active Image has been a leader in the fitness and health industry for almost 20 years. Her impact has influenced thousands of people over the years to help them lose weight and develop positive attitudes about exercise and active living.
Enjoy the newsletter!
Cathy Morenzie
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Cathy Morenzie is a certified personal fitness trainer, fitness instructor, and Pilates instructor. She specializes in providing creative fitness solutions for people on the go. She has trained thousands of clients and trainers over the last 15 years. For more FREE tips like these, contact us or call 416-410-8517 to schedule your complimentary session. Can't fit personal training sessions into your schedule, no problem - try our online personal training and receive the benefits of one-on-one personal training at a fraction of the cost.