Fitness Classes
Why not organize a fitness program at your workplace, apartment building , community centre or church? We offer a wide variety of fun and challenging classes to help you achieve the results you are looking for ... so grab a friend or two and get started. Just click on the form below.
Just a sample of fitness classes available:
- Low impact - safe and fun aerobic workout to upbeat music
- Salsa aerobics - dance to a Latin beat
- Cardiofunk - get down to a funky beat
- Stretch - stretch, relax and de-stress
- Pilates - emphasis on core strength (abs)
- Pre-natal and post-natal
- Yoga for kids
- Family fitness
Fitness Classes
$15 per person,
min. $80 per class (per group)
Request More Information
261 Oakwood Ave
York, Ontario
cathy [snail] activeimage [period] ca -> mailto:cathy [snail] activeimage [period] ca